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A church of embracing communities

– it's about community across the board

Worldis full of divisions and divisions, but in the church we have the opportunity to be together and love and support each other across the natural divisions that normally surround us. In the church we are siblings, we are family because the blood of Jesus flows both in your veins and mine. We embrace and embrace each other despite differences with God's help. Our unity and mutual love contribute to making the community attractive.

We have services, leadership training, service areas and events across natural divisions, although of course we also have service areas targeted at specific groups. Life-Group, which are gatherings in homes every two weeks, where you share life and faith and get close to each other across generations, ethnicity and histories, is the strongest expression of being a f
fostering community across natural divides.

A church that follows Jesus 

– it's about discipleship

Jesus is the center of our faith. He is the one we fix our eyes on. He is the one we want to be like, learn from and follow.

It begins with accepting Jesus and continues to follow him. For this, Jesus gives us help through the Bible, which is God's word to us, prayer, where we have a conversation with Jesus, and the Christian community, the church, where we can be strengthened and encouraged by others who also follow Jesus. Therefore, the Christian life is not meant for you to walk alone with your faith, but for us to be followed by and walk with each other as we follow Jesus. We want everyone to succeed in taking care of themselves, but also to help take care of others, with special attention to those who are new in their faith journey. Over a continuing process, we are allowed to experience that we come to look a little more like Jesus as time goes on. To succeed in discipleship ie. with following Jesus, we as a church offer that you can participate in Alpha courses (introductory course to Christianity), we encourage you to walk in pairs, where one has walked a little further with Jesus. Here you go through a companion walking material together, which is a continuation of the alpha course, you also have the opportunity in the church to be assigned a mentor, where you typically meet once a month, where faith and life can be shared together, you can participate in a men's group or even find a life transformation partner where you keep each other on spiritual disciplines. All these opportunities are there to help us through life to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, but not alone but together with other followers of Jesus.


A church that reaches out 

– it's about mission

As a church, we are not set in the world for ourselves, but we exist for those who do not yet know Jesus and the salvation and new life he offers. God has a desire for all his children to be allowed to know their father in heaven, which happens through placing their faith in what Jesus did through his death on the cross. Therefore, Jesus sends his followers out of the church with the good news of the possibility of receiving salvation in Jesus. This sending and reaching out is expressed both in words and actions. Jesus has made the Holy Spirit and His power available to us as we testify to what Jesus has done for us.

We begin in Randers, where we are, but God's mission knows no boundaries. Being on God's mission is first and foremost about reaching out to the people we are naturally surrounded by on a daily basis. We also have missionary initiatives that can help to boost the relationships we already walk with and that can help people get closer to Jesus. These are weekly services, or gatherings such as Onsdagscafe or Skywalk (the church's youth work), which target specific groups. Branches of work such as The language cafe or events such as Christmas show, Easter show etc. Furthermore, through our mission team in the church, we focus on and support the missionaries who in our community have been sent to other countries and nations.


We want to be a church of embracing communities that follow Jesus and reach out - do you want to join?

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