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We want to ensure that no one is alone in their life situation.

Our values as a church

In the church, we have formulated five values that we want to characterize our community and describe to them who we are. It is the culture we want to be predominant in the way we are together and which flows out of the nature of God's kingdom.



- we want to be a church that gives

Generosity is generosity with everything we have money, time, talents, etc. God first gave and still gives abundantly to us, therefore we want to give out of gratitude. This is expressed through mutual relationships, the community of the church, good stewardship and giving to people around us. Jesus lived for the benefit of the people around him, and we want to have his life as a model.

"The church consists of people, and the church is generous when the individual person in the church is giving."



- we want to be a church that welcomes everyone

Hospitality is important to us because people mean everything to God. It is therefore crucial for us that we open our hearts, appreciate each other and our guests. God is open and inviting and does not have a hidden agenda. Therefore, as His people, we want to reflect Him we follow. We are hospitable to all people regardless of culture, background and social status.

"The church consists of people, and the church is hospitable when the individual person in the church welcomes everyone."



- we want to be a church that gets involved

God took an active part in restoring our relationship with Him through Jesus' death on the cross and is still involved in our lives. With Him as a model, we will be a church where every member is actively involved with time, money and God-given talents. We want to get involved in our church and in the community we are a part of. We want to get involved in each other's lives and the people who are part of our everyday lives.

"The church consists of people, and the church is involved when the individual person in the church gets involved."



- we want to be a church that serves

Humility is knowing one's true worth as a beloved child of God and using that position to serve with no intention of getting anything back. Jesus did not come to earth to be served, but to serve. With Him as a role model, we will selflessly and respectfully put others before ourselves. Humility is expressed through encouragement and recognition for the joy and benefit of each other and our city.

"The church consists of people, and the church is humble when the individual person in the church is serving."



- we want to be a church that is wholehearted

Passion is the drive and energy that motivates us to fight for something bigger than ourselves, something that makes a difference. God is passionate and wholehearted for people and his church. With him as a model, we will be a whole-hearted church that looks at the world with the eyes of Jesus. We want to be a passionate church that takes initiative and enthusiastically serves God and loves people.

"The church consists of people, and the church is passionate when the individual person in the church is wholehearted."

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